Exposing the Hidden Costs Behind Prescriptions
Mike Koelzer and Pramod John
The Business of Pharmacy with Mike Koelzer, 10/02/2023
Pramod John, CEO of VIVIO Health, discusses issues with drug pricing and competition in the pharmaceutical industry. He talks about how the current system incentivizes higher spending on healthcare rather than better outcomes, and how lack of transparency and access to data prevents true competition.
[00:00:15] Introduces VIVIO Health mission
[00:02:07] Background and improving healthcare
[00:05:40] US overspends on drugs
[00:08:39] Public benefit corporation
[00:12:11] Rebates misalign incentives
[00:17:29] FDA approves ineffective drugs
[00:24:15] FDA efficacy vs. effectiveness
[00:29:47] Health insurance exchanges
[00:33:03] Humira lacks competition
[00:40:51] Lower cost Humira biosimilars
[00:44:38] Employers overpay despite alternatives
[00:47:53] Consultants have misaligned incentives
[00:51:46] Importance of fiduciary duty
[00:53:39] Data access drives competition
[00:55:33] Similar issues in other industries
[00:57:31] Ask doctors for data on treatments